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Dear Friends,

I’ve been lucky to have the opportunity to do a bit of traveling recently. Some of the travel is for work (such a hardship - not!), while other trips are for family fun. There was a lot going on when we showed up for a family affair a couple weeks back. Cooking, getting dressed for an event, and one very large jigsaw puzzle were all in progress. My favorite four year old did look up from the puzzle to greet me, but not as I had expected. You have to imagine the absolutely serious, sweet little voice saying, “I hope you packed your sleeping bags!” Nope, that sounded like the least restful option - the hotel was just fine. I’m on a different journey this week, looking for fun quilt world things for all of you. You will be happy to know, no sleeping bags this time either!

Wishing you a warm and cozy week,

Mary Beth

PS Watch for details about our spring market party in the next newsletter! 

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Another month, another block - this is such a fun way to make a quilt! On Saturday (5-4-24), at 9:00am, those in our beginning of the month pieced Saturday Sampler group will meet. We’ll enjoy show and tell, and then we will share the next block in the series and construction tips for the piece. Be sure to bring your block from last month - it’s neat to see how different they are with all the different background fabrics!

QC Anniversary Celebration! 

May 3rd & 4th 

I thought one last quick reminder was in order! Stop in Friday or Saturday to join in the celebration marking the beginning of our 36th year! There will be new displays to see, guessing games (with prizes, of course), door prizes to win, plus little thank you treats and sweets - our small thank you for making the years possible!

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Comfort Cases project ~

You are all amazing - we can’t thank you enough for your support of the April Comfort Cases project! As of Monday you shared 54 quilts, a mountain of travel size toiletries, and some adorable stuffed animals that will head to Comfort Cases in the coming week. We hope to display the quilts out front, and along the fence this Saturday (keep your fingers crossed for good weather!). After that we will drive everything to Comfort Cases and then help pack backpacks for children entering the foster care system. I’m sure we’ll have stories to share when we return!

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Our May 24th Quilters Day Out is filling very quickly!!! If you are thinking about joining us for the special day of sewing in a unique setting, please register soon!

Please note ~ current shop hours are 10:00am-4:00pm Monday thru Saturday. 

Quilters Corner 
6101 State Route 88 Ste. 1
Finleyville, PA 15332


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