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Dear Friends,

My youngest received a text from a friend she hadn’t interacted with in weeks - the text, “Hey”. Being a tad suspicious, she responded with, “Hey, what?” His response was “Being the expert tailor you are…”. Talk about a red flag… He explained that he had taken his dress pants to a tailor to fix the hem in one leg, but the hem had come back out after a single wear, and of course, he needed the pants this Saturday. He offered to pay her to fix the hem. When she hesitated, he offered $200.00, at which she laughed. He then asked if that was too little. She figures he must have really gotten taken by the tailor. She had him drop off the pants, and return today to pick them up. You can guess the next part of the story. Today she learned why every sewist’s response to “Will you hem my pants?” should be no, when he said he’d pay for coffee next time they were out. I figure she will suggest he uses tape next time he needs something hemmed!

Wishing you a week with no mending,

Mary Beth

QC Game Day Super Sale!!!

Sunday ~ February 11th ~ 12:00pm-4:00pm

The big game happens only once a year - both the NFL’s version and ours! On Sunday the 11th you can score 25% off all regular price, in stock merchandise! (Special orders may be picked up during the sale, but are sold at regular price, as they are made or ordered special just for you.) Talk about a win! Please work on your game plan in advance, as our ability to do a good job of figuring yardages starts to slip a bit when the crowd gets Game Day deep!!!

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The newest issue of our subscription newsletter, And Sew On, is ready for pickup by subscribers. The issue contains pattern, book and fabric reviews, a little pattern, event news, and coupons - one of which you may want sooner rather than later! If you are a subscriber, and provided self addressed stamped envelopes, your issue was mailed earlier in the week.

By Annie LQS Contest ~  


First - we would like to thank By Annie for sharing their stunning bag samples during the Buttermere Trunk Show (and we want to thank Free Spirit for the spectacular quilts!). Being able to take a close look at their samples was inspiring. I have always said they are masters at using prints - I literally want every bag they make!!! The version of By Annie’s Snapshot shown here was made by QC staff member Bonnie - she’s pretty darn good at fabric selection, too! Annie is now on to their next event - their LQS Contest. They created the contest to highlight the efforts of local quilt shops, and to give sewists an opportunity to share stories and comments about their favorite shop. I hope you’ll consider us as an option for your vote. If you plan to vote - one quick note - our shop name doesn’t have an apostrophe! When you vote on By Annie’s site you are looking for Quilters Corner PA Finleyville PA. When we named the shop many, many years ago we discussed the spelling at length and yup, sometimes the spelling we agreed upon causes snafus! 

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Basic piecing demo/display ~ Saturday ~ February 10th ~ 3:00pm

Even though it is bound to be quite busy around her on Saturday (2-10-24), we are putting a basic piecing display into place later in the day. It will show how we cut our fabrics for piecing, how we pin, and how we stitch correctly to produce the lovely samples you see in the shop. You might find this helpful if you are just starting your quilting journey or if you haven’t quilted in a while (yes, even the age-old art of quilting evolves!).

Introduction to Rotary Cutting

Saturday ~ March 2nd ~ 1:00pm-2:30pm 

Many of our quiltmaking adventures begin with rotary cutting our fabrics, but few patterns explain exactly how to do it. This class will focus on how to safely, and accurately, cut a variety of shapes (from strips, to squares, to triangles). You will learn how to keep your ruler from slipping, how to make straight cuts, even learn tips for prolonging the life of your cutter blades, all while actually cutting fabric . Please bring your rotary cutter, rotary mat, and ruler (at least 6” wide) to class. Fabric will be provided. Fee $16.00

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This seems like the right moment to mention, when the weather seems “iffy” you might want to call the shop before setting out. The hills in our area become treacherous very quickly! We try to share information about shop closings on social media, but an old fashioned call sometimes works best. Needless to say, if we don’t answer, we haven’t made it in! 

Please note ~ current shop hours are 10:00am-4:00pm Monday thru Saturday. 

Quilters Corner 
6101 State Route 88 Ste. 1
Finleyville, PA 15332


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