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Dear Friends,

Those of you who have known us for a while know my opinion of inventory… I love everything about fabric (ordering fabric, displaying fabric, helping you find the perfect pieces), except counting it! If you’ve been in the shop in the last couple days you’ve heard the constant background buzz - two at $10.99, twelve at $11.99, ninety at $3.65, and on, and on,and on,... I reached a new low this morning. I climbed on a chair to count the top row of fabric (definitely not allowed to stand on a chair!), jumped down to open the door at 10:00, and came to a complete stop. I’ve mentioned misplacing my glasses in the past (there is even a sign on two pairs at the register that says they are not mine!), but that wasn’t it this time. This time I realized I had no idea where I had left my shoes! To make matters worse, I had to admit I misplaced them as people were already waiting outside. Good news, after staff members stopped giggling we found them, bad news is we still have more to count tomorrow. I refuse to wear my glasses (or shoes!) on a chain around my neck - we’ll see if I can let you in first thing tomorrow morning, or not!

I hope everything you need is right at your fingertips this week,

Mary Beth

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Those in our end of the month 2023 pieced Saturday Sampler group meet for the final block this Saturday (1-6-24). We’ll share the last block kit of the series, a little bit of instruction, and then answer questions. Your blocks are looking fantastic - they are going to make wonderful quilts! This would be a good time to check through the things you have for the project - be sure you have everything you need, as we clean out the file in just a few weeks!

QC 2023 Block of the Month Show and Tell!

Sunday ~ February 18th ~ 1:00pm

Can we entice you to finish up your 2023 block-by-block projects?! How about if we offer you a chance to share your pieces with a most supportive crowd, and offer little goodies for showing off your work? Consider bringing your Saturday Sampler, QC Sew Along, and other 2023 QC block-by-block pieces you have finished (and yes, I count a finished top as finished!) to our show and tell - everyone loves to see what you’ve created, and we love to see how different quilts that started with the same pattern and fabrics look in the end!

Please pre-register by February 16th so we can have a thank you goodie ready for you!

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Buttermere Trunk show at Quilters Corner!

January 12th - 20th

We are arranging (and rearranging!) the shop so we have places to showcase six quilts, and six bags featuring Buttermere, a stunning Free Spirit William Morris collection. During the trunk show you will be able to get a close look at intricate works by some of your favorite designers. The quilts and bags are sure to inspire you - whether you make something exactly like the projects displayed, or something completely different . If you love Morris fabric, you don’t want to miss this one!

QC Quilt Builder Card Deck Sew Along Intro Session

Saturday ~ January 13th ~ 11:00am 

We are huge fans of the Quilt Builder Card Decks! So much so, we have designed a program featuring all the blocks in box #3! Those enjoying the sew along will stitch two blocks per week in the size they prefer (the boxes offer five different sizes for each block!), and make as many blocks as they wish. We will offer tips, and instruction when needed along the way - and of course, we will show our blocks each week. There will be lots to learn, and lots of opportunities to win prizes over the course of the project. On the 13th, at 11:00am, we will present an introduction to the sew along, covering the schedule, and sharing “getting started” information. 

Fee - free with your purchase of Quilt Builder Card Deck #3! (pre-registration required for the intro session)

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Vintage Redwork Intro Session

Saturday ~ January 27th ~ 1:00pm

At the end of January we will begin the Vintage Redwork “block” of the month. The 72” x 76” redwork beauty is like no other I have seen (and I’ve studied this late 1800’s, early 1900’s style quilt extensively!). The original quilt was purchased by the pattern designer from a dealer in 2015. She recognized the significance of the piece created in long rows, rather than the traditional blocks. On the 27th we will briefly study the pattern - looking at how the background fabric will be cut, and how the designs will be set up on the background (please pre-register for this session). Bobbi will share a look at some sample segments she has already worked, and at the threads and stitches she has used for the pieces. This one will truly be a masterpiece!

Project registration fee $5.00, plus $8.00 per month for eight months

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Good thing I knew what was in the boxes piled by the cutting table today (I might have given up on the strapping and packing tape otherwise!). Pammie Jane’s Kitty Litter collection, with its sprinkle of tiny kitty faces, dots, and hearts, was well worth the unpacking effort! Wait until you see the full rainbow of these cuties - they are perfect for projects from her Purr-fect Patchwork book! Maybe the best part - the designer is from Finleyville - honest!!!!   

Fabric $12.40 per yard

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This seems like the right moment to mention, when the weather seems “iffy” you might want to call the shop before setting out. The hills in our area become treacherous very quickly! We try to share information about shop closings on social media, but an old fashioned call sometimes works best. Needless to say, if we don’t answer, we haven’t made it in! 

Please note ~ current shop hours are 10:00am-4:00pm Monday thru Saturday. 

Quilters Corner 
6101 State Route 88 Ste. 1
Finleyville, PA 15332


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